Recalling what Spanish newspapers were saying about Modric in 2012 – they couldn't be more WRONG

Recalling what Spanish newspapers were saying about Modric in 2012 – they couldn't be more WRONG

Luka Modric joined Real Madrid on a €42 million transfer from Tottenham back in 2012.

Not being the first option in midfield at the time, the Croatian was forced to play out-of-position in his first season at the club and therefore struggled to play his best football.

Spanish media were quick to come at Lukita, labeling him as the worst signing of the year and mocking Los Blancos for shelling out on a 'flop'.

Fast forward twelve years, and Modric is the club's joint-most decorated player with 25 trophy and a Ballon d'Or to his name. He still plays for Madrid at nearly 39.

In fact, he is the oldest player to don the white shirt in La Liga now. And he's just as good.

So, it's safe to say that those Spanish media missed the mark entirely.
