Real reason behind Araujo's poor performances at Barca this season revealed

Real reason behind Araujo's poor performances at Barca this season revealed

Ronald Araujo has performed woefully at Barcelona in the second half of the season. The defender has been shown a red card and conceded a shambolic penalty all in Barca's last 4 games.

According to Diario AS' Santi Gimenez, Araujo's poor performances are down to the player's unsettled future at the club.

Araujo signed a new contract with Barca in 2022 to run until 2026 but his impressive performance in helping Barca win La Liga last year attracted suitors like Bayern and Manchester United — they reportedly offered the player a bigger contract package than what he got at Barca.

Thus, Araujo's suitors approached Barca for a better contract which the club obliged. But they still weren't offering bigger wages compared to Araujo's suitors and seemingly considered offloading the defender for a high transfer fee. It all made the player's agents angry while Araujo himself lost focus on the pitch.

Araujo's lack of focus has been evident all season. The player has been shown two red cards and committed two penalty fouls while making two more errors leading to a goal. It looks like Araujo has never been this error-prone in his entire Barca career.

Perhaps Barca can help the big Uruguayan by finalizing his new contract quicker to help the player settle.
