If Messi played for Barca for free, would it solve the crisis? You asked, we answered

If Messi played for Barca for free, would it solve the crisis? You asked, we answered

Back in 2010, Leo Messi said the following: "My motivation comes from playing the game I love. If I wasn't paid to be a professional footballer I would willingly play for nothing."

Now, one Tribuna.com user is wondering: "What would happen if Messi played for Barca for free? Like you now, when footballers say 'i'd play for this club for free'. I'm wondering what it would mean for Barca's finances.. "

Let's imagine that Leo doesn't just take an immense pay cut, as he reportedly did earlier, but also agrees to play for Barcelona for free.

Messi's annual salary: €70,758,000.

Messi's annual salary after a pay cut: ±€35,000,000.

According to the latest credible reports, Joan Laporta needs to free up at least €187m to register the summer signings, including Messi. Even if he plays for free, he still needs to be registered.

Thus, no, Messi agreeing to play for free doesn't mean Barcelona will be able to register players again – they still need to sell and force some heavyweights to take massive pay cuts.

What's interesting, Messi playing for free would be great for the club in the long-term perspective but it would seriously harm the Spanish treasury: Leo contributes the same amount of money in taxes as 120,000 average citizens do, as per Diario Sport.

Overall, Messi has paid €370m+ to the taxman since extending his Blaugrana deal in 2017, El Periodico say.
