'It's in our hands': Chelsea fans agree with Marc Cucurella on possibility to secure European football

'It's in our hands': Chelsea fans agree with Marc Cucurella on possibility to secure European football

Marc Cucurella thinks Chelsea should keep up the momentum from 4-3 victory against Manchester United with another three points at Sheffield United. This will be the first step to secure European football.

He said: "I think it's in our hands (securing European football). We need to win all the games and stay more stable. We are a little bit of an irregular team but we need to be stable and win every week." 

"We have an important game on Sunday because if we don't win then the three points (against United) is for nothing. We need to be focused and keep this mood."

Chelsea fans share similar thoughts on European football possibility.

HelloMyNameIsGeoff: "Win tomorrow (Sheffield United game) and Europe is actually a possibility. How shite is the rest of this league?"

thunderousboffer: "Getting Europa will be an ideal level for our kids. Help with giving our large squad decent mins too"

East-Truth: "We are coming for that 6th spot 😤😤"

Erick02516: "If United lose to Loserpool and we win our 2 games we are 6th"

Premier League standings

AuthorAndrii SokolovskyiSourceLondonWorld