'Hungry' Willian out for more trophies: Arteta hails 'role model' Brazilian after dream debut

'Hungry' Willian out for more trophies: Arteta hails 'role model' Brazilian after dream debut

"With some players when winning trophies happened they have a full stomach but with Willian I got the opposite feeling, that he wanted more and how he wanted to move to a different club and get to the level that he got before," Arteta told Goal.com following Willian's impressive debut in the 3-0 win over Fulham.

"So I’m really pleased because he showed (at Fulham) how much he really wants it and how much he is going to drive the other players on in order to achieve that."

The Spaniard was also quick to point out that Willian sets a fine example to younger players, maybe not so much with his talking, but rather with his actions on the pitch.

"We have a lot of young players with a big talent and a big future but they need some role models and I think Willian is a really good one to have around the place because he doesn’t talk much in the dressing room, but he does on the pitch and that’s a good way to do it."

Willian provided 2 assists on his debut, the first player to do so for Arsenal since Henrikh Mkhitaryan in February 2018. The Brazilian also played a big part in, forcing Rodak to parry from close range, right into Lacazette's path.

He seems to have assumed the wandering '10' role, drifting from the right wing to find pockets of space and we think Willian could be the creative spark we were missing last season.

AuthorAlex Baguzin